As supported by the Forest Foundation Philippines (FFP), the Environmental Science for Social Change (ESSC) was given the opportunity to embark on a land cover update for the entire province of Bukidnon for 2018.
This recent mapping initiative serves as an update prior to the 2005 land cover assessment. The land cover map can be used by the provincial stakeholders, including XSF, in order to maximize its use for other resource management initiative and other day to day planning and discussion. ESSC also launched an online data portal last August 10, 2020 during a live webinar to share the GIS datasets and soft copies of the 2018 Bukidnon Land Cover map.
This initiative is supported by the Forest Foundation Philippines of which XSF is also a partner for its EcoSEED-2 project in Mt. Kalatungan Range, Bukidnon.
It was turned over on August 17, 2020 by ESSC’s Director for Planning and Geomatics Manager, Andres Ignacio to XSF’s Executive Director, Roel Ravanera and Deputy Director, Thieza Verdijo.